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Finally--i have removed the titles and put the artworks' details instead. All the pics, works, details and allatjazz can be found HERE (click me!).
Quarenta--UE Fine Arts Alumni Association Art Exhibit
March 6-April 15 2008
Cultural Center of the Philippines, Roxas Blvd., Manila
I planned to take a pic of every piece there but just decided to snap a shot of the ones I liked (not that the rest are bad--the ones here are the ones i like, that's all). I put in the captions/titles all the information I got. I tried to write as neatly and legibly as possible (on a really small piece of paper btw mga 2.5"x2.5") but i was walking from one work to the other and I didn't have all the time (and energy) so there. If you see a typo, mistake, mis-captioned, whatever and the like, just message me or something and I'll fix/change it.
Try to see it 'in-the-flesh'. it's very nice. I like. :-) are my favorites:
I don't like them ciggies--but the tromp l'oeil-ness here is just nice. I like. (Burn, 2006 Rolando Ventura)

It's so dreamy... (Ladders and Dreamers, 2006 by Manny Reyes)

This too...btw--this is a photograph. I Like. (Magmamais sa Friendship Park, 2007 by Mario Pamintuan)

I like the tone and color and forms of this one...I like. (Boxscapes, 2006 by Roel Obenio)

Sculpture..I like. (Watchman, 2007 by Robert Odejar)

Op Art By Edille Paras. I love! (Dimension II, 2008 by Edille Paras)

I like! I feel David Hockney's style when i see this work. I'm no art critic--that's just how i see it. Olayt.


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