Overdue post! Several weeks ago, the whole Art history Class 3 (and two-student AH 1 class) had a field trip. This is a required activity wherein students go on a trip to see new old and new stuff outside the confines of a classroom. Art history stuff. We were supposed to go to a lot of inspirational places and see inspirational things but the weather was crappy and we had transportation booboos: we left school at around 12 (half of the day, wasted); we had street traffic issues (as in naticketan kami); Mr. Driver went to the wrongesest of routes and roads (if there is such word); and some other minor booboos that are not worth remembering. But as I always say, all is well that ends well! It did end well, yes, but if everything went out well and as planned, it could have been more fun. Oh well, Joel, let's have a trip again nalang! Cubao Expo next time, please!
We waited for almost 3, 4 hours I think. Out teacher hired a van but both parties had a misunderstanding with the seating capacity thingy (read: hindi kami kasha) so we had to un-hire him (hehe) and waited for a miracle of sorts. We needed a bigger van.
Around 11something I think we finally got a van. Not as shushal as the one we had in previous trips but will def do. We were desperate cause rescheduling is totally not an option. At least for me (read: sayang ang outfit). We got there post-lunch time. Had lunch then we had our Kodak moment (read: photo time!).
Xara's (↑)
As i said earlier, we were supposed to go to different places but we did not have much time left so we decided to just spend a big part of the trip at the UST (Univ. of Sto. Tomas) Museum. And it was super worth it. IMHO, it's a must-see for art/design/fashion/etc junkies like me because the place is inspirational! It's full of stuff that can pop a lightbulb or two above your head. I especially loved the taxidermy (a permanent ficture I think) and the paper/craft exhibit.
Ma'am Ann (↑) on the fowls on display: "I love cocks of all sizes, colors and shapes." Naughty you.
↑I wanted to get one!!
More Photos:
[1] "September 23 2009, Art History Field Trip @ UST, Metro Streets, Traffic + Market! Market!, ND60"
aww, this brings back memories... the main building looks the same as it did a hundred years ago during my time. what is that hideous yellow 'UST' made of, metal?