Went to The Collective with team FFT: Mike, Karl and Thysz. It was supposed to be a ToyCon then 20/20 exhibit opening night for me but lady luck, unfortunately, was not on my side. When I left, it started raining cats and dogs and polar bears. Then on our way to The Collective, the taximan decided to take the gang out for a spin around Makati (read=lost). But all is well that ends well. I got to see The Collective finally. And of course, it was nice seeing the FFT peeps again hehe.
☝ Mike in Megamall, Japan.

☝ 20/20

After a few hi's and hello's (and photo ops), we checked out some of the stores and stuff around the Collective. FYI this place used to be a warehouse.
First was Black Book:

☝ Nice sculpture, no? And nice fan too! (that black star-warsey thing)

Then we went to Skitzo, a costume store:

☝ Hi Gelo

☝ iWant! When I have the time (and effort and budget) I'll try to DIY this.

Then Hysteric Wacko—this was where I died and went to the japanese-street-style-supernice-paper-design-photography-mag heaven.

☝ I Want. That's all.

☝ Hi Thysz! We died! We can haz the japanese mags pls thanks. haha
Just so you know, Hysteric Wacko is not a mag store ha! haha The sell clothes pero TBH I'm more interested in checking the mags out haha Like a moth to flame..
☝ Karl & Mike

It was a fun night. Will def go back and visit the Collective again. But next time i'll bring a map—it is your friend especially in venturing out in to the unknown haha. Also, I will visit during the day nalang cause I don't want to spend 200 bucks again for nothing...haha...
☞ June 19 2010, The Collective